MediLumine’s EMCCD based PRISM™ uses photon counting for highly sensitive in vivo optical imaging of up to five mice. The imager is able to detect a single photon in a pixel opening a new biological window for bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging.
In addition, the in vivo imaging system is sensitive at high acquisition speeds allowing for real-time imaging in bioluminescent and fluorescence modes.
User’s of PRISM are finding that the system has an unparalleled combination of real-time imaging and detection of ultra-weak photonic emissions for deeper and earlier in vivo imaging. The design of PRISM is completely modular allowing scientists to purchase either base Bioluminescent imager or Bioluminescent and Epi-Fluorescent System or Bioluminescent with Epi- and Trans-Fluorescent modules for NIR fluorescent 3D imaging.
2D Bioluminescent and Fluorescent in vivo imaging
Image acquisitions of 20 images per second to allow for real time imaging
Variable field of view : 5 x 5 cm (1 mouse), 12.5 x 12.5 cm (3 mice), 17 cm x 17 cm (5 mice) • Temperature control between 20 to 40 °C to keep animal within physiological conditions
Spectral range: 250-1100 nm